Customer Protection Policy

Mediimpact Healthcare Private Limited

Customer Protection Policy

(Customer Liability In Case Of Unauthorized Transactions)

working towards excellence in the Healthcare, and believe in pursuing business
through innovation and technology. Our team comes with several years of industry
experience, and comprise of a highly motivated set of specialists.
This policy seeks to communicate in a fair and transparent manner the Medpass’s policy on:
a) Customerprotection(includingmechanismofcreatingcustomerawarenesson the risks
and responsibilities involved in Medpass Apptransactions),
b) Customer liability in cases of unauthorized transactions
c) Customer compensation due to unauthorized transactions (within defined timelines),

Medpass Health Wallet powered by Jaldicash Electronic financial transactions usually cover
transactions through the below modes:
a) Remote / online payment transactions [transactions that do not require physical
payment instruments to be presented at the point of transactions, e.g., internet banking,
mobile banking, card not present (CNP) transactions, Pre-paid Payment Instruments
b) Face-to-face / proximity payment transactions (transactions which require the physical
payment instrument such as a card or mobile phone to be present at the point of
transaction e.g., ATM, POS,etc.)
c) Any other electronic modes of credit effected from one entity to another currently

being used or adopted from time totime
This policy covers transactions only through closed loop prepaid payment instrument
(Virtual Wallet) business. The policy excludes PPI transactions effected on account of

error by a customer (e.g., NEFT carried out to an incorrect payee or for an incorrect

amount), transactions done under duress, consequential loss, claims due to opportunity
loss, reputation loss, other incidental costs or collateral damage.

This policy is applicable to individuals who hold Medpass Health Wallet Powered by Jaldicash.

Definitions & Explanations: (for the purpose of this policy)
a. Real loss is defined as financial outgo from customer’s account, e.g., debit to customer’s
b. Payment transactions are defined as transactions that involve transfer of funds
fromaccountto wallet (loading) via different mode of payments and From Wallet to
Merchants (unloading).
c. Unauthorized transaction is defined as debit to customer’s account without
d. Consent includes authorization of a transaction debit either through additional
authentication required by “JaldiCash” such as use of security passwords, inputof
e. Date & Time of reportingisdefinedasdate&timeonwhichcustomerhassubmitted a
uniqueofcomplaint. Date of receiving communication from Medpass, is excluded for
purposeofcomputingnumberofworkingdaysforallactionspecifiedinthispolicy. The working
schedule of the home branch would be considered for calculating working days for
customer reporting. Time of reporting will be as per Indian StandardTime.
f. Notification means an act of the customer reporting unauthorized PPI transaction to
g. Number of days will be computed based on working days, which will be from Monday to
Saturday excluding the three national holidays, viz., Republic Day, Independence Day
and Gandhi Jayanti, and excluding the date of receiving the communication.


Limited Liability of a Customer:
(a) Zero Liability of aCustomer
occurs in the followingevents:
i. Contributory fraud / negligence / deficiency on the part of Medpass (irrespective of
whether or not the transaction is reported by thecustomer).
ii. Third party breach where the deficiency lies neither with Medpass nor with the
customerbutlieselsewhereinthesystem,andthecustomernotifiesMedpasswithin three
working days
 of receiving the communication from Medpass regarding the

(b) Limited Liability of aCustomer
A customer shall be liable for the loss occurring due to unauthorized
transactions in the following cases:
i. In cases where the loss is due to negligence by a customer, such as where he has
shared the payment credentials, the customer will bear the entire loss until he reports
the unauthorized transaction to Medpass. Any loss occurring after the reporting of the
unauthorized transaction shall be borne byMedpass.
ii. In cases where the responsibility for the unauthorized PPI transaction lies neither
transaction liability of the customer shall be limited to the transaction value or the
amount mentioned in Annexure-I, whichever islower.
Third Party Breach:
Medpass nor customer but elsewhere in thesystem:
a) Applicationfrauds;
b) Account takeover;

c) External frauds / compromise of other systems, e.g., mail servers, etc., being
Roles and responsibility of the customer:
Customer is bound by the following:
i) The customer must register with a valid mobileno.
ii) The customer must register with correct name as per the Official Valid
iii) Customer shall not share sensitive information such as OTP/password/TPIN with
any person including Medpass staff or partners
iv) Customer must set transaction limits to limit exposure.
v) Customer must verify transaction detail and raise query to Medpass as soon as
possible in case of mismatch.
vi) The customers must notify Medpass of any un authorised PPI transaction at the
earliest after the occurrence of such transaction. The longer the time taken to
notify Medpass, the higher will be the risk of loss tocustomer.
vii) Customer shall share relevant documents as needed for investigation or insurance
claim, viz., cardholder / dispute form and policecomplaint.
viii) Fully co-operate and comply with Medpass’s reasonable requirements towards
investigation and provide details of transaction, customer presence,etc.

Customer is entitled to:
i) ReceiveSMSalertstoregisteredmobilenumberforalldebittransactionstothe account.
ii) Customer can view the transaction history and Cashback received in the Medpass
Health App.
iii) Register complain through modesprovided.
iv) Receive compensation as mentioned inAnnexure-I.

Roles and responsibility of Medpass:
i. Provide customers with access through multiple channels (at a minimum, via website,
phone, e-mail, a dedicated helpline, etc.) for reporting unauthorised transactions that
have taken place.
ii. A direct link for lodging the complaints, with specific option to report unauthorised
transactions will be provided by Medpass on home page of the website.
iii. The loss / fraud reporting system shall also ensure that immediate response (including
auto response) is sent to the customers acknowledging the complaint along with the
registered complaint number.
iv. The communication systems used by Medpass to send alerts and receive their responses
thereto must record the time and date of delivery of the message and receipt of
customer’s response, if any, to them. This shall be important in determining the extent
of a customer’sliability.
v. Duringinvestigation,incaseitisdetectedthatthecustomerhasfalselyclaimedor
disputedavalidtransactions,Medpassreservesitsrighttotakeduepreventiveaction of the
same including closing the account or blocking walletlimits
vi. ThispolicyshouldbereadinconjunctionwithGrievanceRedressalPolicy.Clauses from the
Medpass’s Grievance Redressal Policy shall form a part of this policy where
notspecificallyaddressedinthispolicy.Thepolicyisavailableonthefollowing Link:

Proof of customer liability:
The burden of proving customer liability in case of unauthorised transactions will lie on

Force Majeure:
Medpass shall not be liable to compensate customers for delayed credit if some
disturbances, accident, fires, natural disasters or other “Acts of God”, war, damage to
Medpass’s facilities or of its agents, absence of the usual means of communication or all
types of transportation, etc., beyond the control of Medpass prevents it from performing
its obligations within the specified service deliveryparameters.


Unauthorised transaction – Extent of Liability of Customer /


Unauthorised transaction due to Medpass’s fault:
Contributory fraud / negligence / deficiency on the part
of Medpass (irrespective of whether or not the
transaction is reported by the customer)

Liability of a Customer: Zero

transaction due to
fault neither of
Medpass nor
Third party breach where
the deficiency lies
neither with Medpass
nor with the customer
but lies elsewhere in the

If reported by customer:
(i) Within 3 workingdays: Liability of a Customer: Zero
(ii) Within 4 to 7 working

Liability of a Customer: The
transaction value or
Rs.10,000 (applicable to
whichever is lower
(iii) Beyond 7 working days: Liability of a Customer will
be treated as 100%

transaction due

(i) Until the customer
reports the unauthorised
transaction toMedpass.

Liability of a Customer: 100%

to Customer’s
In cases where the loss
is due to negligence by a
customer, such as where
he has shared the
payment credentials

(ii) After reporting the
transaction to Medpass.

Liability of a Customer:
Zero Liability of Medpass:
100% (Any loss occurring
reporting of the unauthorized
transaction shall be borne by